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Editorial Policy of Journal    

Open Access Policy and Copyright

The Journal Economics and Business is an open access journal, which means that the journal's online published articles are fully available free of charge upon publication, following the principle that open access to research facilitates the global exchange of knowledge.
The journal Economics and Business is recognized by the ISSN 1987-5789, ESSN 2587-5426. Accordingly, users can view, read, download, copy, share and print full texts of journal articles without prior registration and prior permission of the publisher and/or author, with proper authorization of the author and publisher;
Users can also browse articles for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other legitimate purpose without financial, legal or technical barriers.
The author retains the copyright and grants the journal the possibility of initial publication. Authors are also allowed to revise their own works, but it is mandatory to indicate the source of the original publication.

Deposit Policy

Under the journal's open access license, upon publication of an article, authors are allowed to deposit the final published version of their article, as well as the manuscript and accepted-for-publication versions, in institutional and/or central archives, provided that the journal is cited as the original place of publication and the citation rules are followed.
Authors are recommended to include the email address of the published article in addition to posting the PDF version.
The journal has a digital archiving policy. The journal is archived in the National Library of the Parliament of Georgia.

Publication Cost

• Submission, review, editing and publication of articles in the journal Economics and Business is free of charge.
• Articles in the journal Economics and Business are published in Georgian and English languages.
• The journal is published four times a year.

Peer Review, Publication Procedure

A peer review by one expert is mandatory for publication of an article in the journal. A reviewer for each article is selected by the editor-in-chief. Reviewers are scientists working in different universities, whose competence and academic works are consistent with the content of the article. The work is published based on a positive review. In the case of comments or a negative conclusion, the author can present his arguments within one week. If necessary, the article can be sent for additional review.
The editorial board of the journal makes the final decision on the publication of the article. Authors will be notified of article acceptance via e-mail.
The publication procedure consists of several stages and fully covers no more than 3 months from the receipt of the article.
Stage I: receiving the article at the official e-mail of the journal: ebf.journal@tsu.ge
Stage II: determination of conformity of technical parameters (standard), in case of non-conformity, the article will not be considered and the author will be notified.
Stage III: article processing, comparison - editing, assignment of JEL Codes.
Stage IV: selection of the reviewer according to the topic and sending the paper.
Stage V: preparation of conclusions by reviewers.
Stage VI: review of reviewers' conclusions at the editorial board meeting and decision.
Stage VII: sending a message to the author and, if necessary, giving the authors the right to further process the article.
Stage VIII: if necessary, decision making by the editorial board regarding the publication of revised articles.

Article’s Evaluation Criteria:

• Level and relevance of studying the problem
• Research goals and objectives
• Originality of the research (author's contribution to the research of the given problem)
• A reference to the methodology is required when the article, in this regard, contains any novelties
• The main theoretical and practical results of the research
• Possible directions and prospects for further research

Reviewer's Conclusion:

1. The article meets the requirements and can be published
2. The article needs some corrections and can be published
3. The article needs major revision (i.e. negative)

Prevention of Plagiarism

The editorial policy of the journal implies the adherence to the principles of research ethics and integrity, therefore, any form of plagiarism is unacceptable;
The journal reserves the right to enable software to automatically screen journal content for plagiarism testing.

Publishing Ethics

 For all subjects involved in the publishing, it is necessary to agree on ethical norms. The ethical code of the journal Economics and Business is based on the best practice principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics https://publicationethics.org/.

Duties of the Chief Editor

Fairness - papers presented in the journal are evaluated according to their intellectual content, regardless of the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship or political opinions.
Confidentiality - The editor-in-chief and the editorial board are obliged not to provide any information about the submitted work to any other person. The author(s) of the article will be notified only of the conclusion of the reviewer(s) and, if necessary, notes for correction. The identity of the reviewer(s) remains confidential.
Conflict of Interest - Unpublished materials submitted for review should not be used in the publisher's own research without the written consent of the author(s).
Publishing Decisions - The editor-in-chief of the journal is responsible for making the final decision on the publication of submitted articles. The editor-in-chief should be guided by the main principles of the policy of the editorial board of the journal and the requirements of applicable law, to avoid accusations of defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Duties of Reviewers

Participating in publication decisions - Reviewers help the editor-in-chief make publication decisions and, through communication with the author in an acceptable publishing format (with respect to the confidentiality mentioned above), may also help the author improve the manuscript.
Timeliness - If the reviewer(s) consider themselves unqualified to review a particular paper, or will not be able to review it in a timely manner, they should immediately notify the editor-in-chief.
Confidentiality - any work presented in the editorial office is considered a confidential document. Its display to other persons is allowed only with the permission of the editor-in-chief. Standards of objectivity (norms) - reviewers must evaluate the paper objectively, according to the evaluation system established by the journal.
Acknowledgment of Sources - Reviewers must identify sources used in the paper that have not been cited by the authors. The reviewer should bring the editor-in-chief to the attention in case of finding any substantial similarities or discrepancies between the submitted work and already published data.
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest - Opinions received from reviewers are confidential and should not be used for personal goals. People who have any kind of conflict of interest with any author/company/organization of the submitted paper should not be selected as reviewers of the manuscript due to competitive, cooperative, or any other relationship or connection.

Duties of Authors

Reporting Norms/Standards - Submitted work must include objective reasoning and original research findings. The main data should be presented with great accuracy in the manuscript. Fraud, intentionally provided inaccurate information and any manifestation of violation of the norms of academic honesty are not acceptable to the journal's editorial policy.
Originality and Plagiarism - Authors must demonstrate that their work is original. Authors must indicate the used sources, quotations and excerpts from the sources that had a decisive influence on the content of the presented work, in accordance with the rule in the journal, in full compliance with academic norms. The work to be published must meet the requirements defined by the plagiarism regulations of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University for articles to be published.
Multiple or competing publications - Parallel submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal is unacceptable and considered unethical publishing behavior.
Manuscript Authorship - Authorship should be limited to those individuals who made a significant contribution to the conception, design, performance, or interpretation of the research presented. Everyone who made a relatively significant contribution should be listed as a co-author. The first author must ensure that all existing co-authors (as defined above), be included in the list of authors of the manuscript, and that all authors must see and approve the final version of the paper and agree to submit it for publication.
Transparency and conflict of interest - the author must identify if there is any financial or other material conflict of interest that could affect the results or their interpretation in the paper. Fundamental errors in published work - When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his published work, it is the author's responsibility to immediately (promptly) notify the editor or publisher and cooperate with him. This is necessary for removing the paper from the issue or publishing it with appropriate corrections.

Publisher's Duties

In case of suspected or proven scientific misconduct, fraud or plagiarism, the publisher should take care to publish a report indicating the error made and to correct the error, in more serious cases, to remove the article in its entirety from the relevant issue.

Journal editorial



