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 Professor Elguja Mekvabishvili

  +995 599 7949 49 


Editor-in-chief of the Refereed and Reviewed International Scientific and Analitical Journal “Economics and Business” of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.


1998–Present - Professor Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Tbilisi (Georgia)
1999–Present Head of the Department of Theoretical Economy Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Tbilisi (Georgia)
2018–Present Editor-in-Chief Scientific Magazine “Economics and Business”. Tbilisi (Georgia)
2017- 2020 Member of the Academic CouncilIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
1997-1999 Professor of the Department of Economic Theory Faculty of Economics, IvaneJavakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
1991-1997 Docent of the Department of Political Economy of the Faculty of Economics. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
1992-2005 Dean of the Faculty of Economics Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
1990-1991 Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
1988-1991 Senior teacher of the Political Economy Department Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University of Economics.
1979-1988 Junior, Senior , Leading Researcher Institute of Economics and low of the Georgian Academy of Sciences.
1978-1979 Junior Researcher Scientific Research Institute of labor.


1997 Doctor of Economic Sciences (Scientific-academic degree)
1973–1978 Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Economics. Tbilisi (Georgia)

Premiums and awards:
• 1998 Order of Merit
• 2008 Award for the best scientific publication of the year in the field of Economics.
• 2015 Certificate of honor of the Academy of sciences of Georgia for scientific achievements in the field of.
• Economics 2016 Ivane Javakhishvili prize and certificate for the best scientific report of the year in economics.
• 2017 Ivane Javakhishvili medal.
• 2018 Certificate of honor of the Academy of sciences of Georgia for scientific achievements in the field of.
• 2019 Acad.P. Gugushvili medal
 2020 Gold medal of Tbilisi State University.

Main Directions of Research:
General Economic Theory, Economics in Transition, Modern Macroeconomic Theories,
Global Economy and Financial and Economic Crises of the Era of Globalization.
Participation in international grants
1996-2002- Participant and coordinator from Georgia of the "Tempus-Tacis Program"
2006, 2007, 2009- Participant and head of projects of the American National Council of Education (American Councils)

Socio-Political Activity:
1996-2002- Member of the Economic Council of the President of Georgia
1998-2005- Member of the Council of the National Bank of Georgia (SEB).

Membership of Professional Associations and Editorial Boards:
• Member of the Social Sciences Section of the National Academy of Georgia, member
• of the Association of Georgian Economist, member of the board of the Society.
• of Scientific Economists of Georgia, chairman of the Dissertation Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business (2014-2017), editor-in-chief of the journal “ Economy and Business”. Member of editorial boards of “ Economist”, “ New Economist” journals.

Scientific Publications:
5 monographs, 12 textbooks (author and co-author), author of more than 150 scientific articles in Georgian, English, Russian and Turkish languages.


 Professor Revaz Gogokhia


Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Refereed and Reviewed International Scientific and Analitical Journal “Economics and Business” of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.


1953-1958 - Faculty of Economics of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
1961-1965 - Graduate student of the Georgian Academy of Sciences

Scientific-academic degree:
Doctor of Economic Sciences (1988)

Work experience:
1989-2018 - Professor of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
1976-1989 - Docent of the Department of Economic Theory of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
2008-2018 - Journal of TSU. Editor-in-chief of "Economy and Business".
1982-1985 Head of the Laboratory of the Center for the Study of Socio-Economic Problems at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia
2001-2004 Head of the Department of General Economic Disciplines of the Zugdidi branch of TSU (in combination)
1995-2001 - Founder and Head of the Department of International Relations of TSU's Sukhumi branch (part-time employed)
1999-2008 - Editor-in-Chief of the Journal "Social Economy"
1980-1981 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, TSU
1995-2005 - Member of the Academic Council of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
1991-1992 - First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry of Georgia
1963-1967 - Journ. Head of "Georgian Economist" Department and Member of the Editorial Board
1959-1976 - Junior Researcher, Post-Graduate Student, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Georgian Academy of Sciences

Prizes and Awards of Professor Revaz Gogokhia:
• Medal of Honor
• Medal of Ivane Javakhishvili
• Medal of Paata Gugushvili
• 1-st Prize, For the work done on the qualification raising courses of the Lomonosov Moscow State University - "For Raising the Quality of Economic Theory Teaching in Higher Education Institutions".

Main Directions of Research:
General Economic Theory, Transition Economy, Mixed Economy, World Globalization Problems, Agrarian Problems etc.
Scientific publications:
3 monographs, 7 textbooks and auxiliary

Socio-Political Activity:
1991-1992 - Member of the Advisory Economic Council of the President of Georgia
1991-2024 - Member of the Union of Journalists of Georgia
1992 - Chairman of the Radical Agrarian Reform Commission of Georgia
1981-1990 - Member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR

Membership of Professional Associations and Editorial Boards:
Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Georgia
Member of the Academy of Business Sciences of Georgia
Head of the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Economics
Member of the Academic Council of TSU
Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Economics
Member of the Dissertation Council of the Faculty of Economics of TSU
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journals "Economist of Georgia", "Social Economy", "Economics and Business".

Work with Scientific Degree Seekers:
Under the leadership of Professor R. Gogokhia, more than 50 Post-Graduate Students and Seekers of Various Scientific Degrees Defended their Candidate and Doctoral theses, He Was an Opponent of the seekers.
R. Gogokhia Is the Author Monographs, Collections of Scientific Conferences, etc. Reviewer and Editor.

Additional Information:
Prof. R. Gogokhia for fruitful scientific and pedagogical and public and political work is included in the New Big Encyclopedy of Georgia (Georgian Encyclopedy, 2012, vol.2).


 Associate Professor Tamaz Zubiashvili

  +995 599 218384


Executive secretary of the Refereed and Reviewed International Scientific and Analitical Journal “Economics and Business” of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.


1988-1991. Georgian Academy of Sciences. Post-graduate courses. Demography. Doctoral degree in Economics in1994. Tbilisi, Georgia.
1981-1988. Tbilisi State University. Department of Economic and Social Geography. 1982-1988. Diploma in 1988. Tbilisi, Georgia.
1986-1987. Damascus University. One year pre-diploma study and research. 1986-1987. Certificate. Damascus, Syria.


2006–Present Professor Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Economics and Business. Tbilisi (Georgia)
2014–Present - Executive secretary of the Scientific Journal “Economics and Business”. Tbilisi (Georgia)
2007 – present. Associate Professor at the Institute for European Studies, Tbilisi State University.
1997 – 2008. Associate professor at Paata Gugushvili University. Tbilisi.
1994 – 2006. Senior research worker at the Department of Population Migration, Institute of Demography and Sociology. Tbilisi, Georgia.
1998 – 2000. Consultant for the Georgian State Chancellery. Tbilisi, Georgia.
2002 – 2004. State Employment Service of Georgia. Senior specialist.


• 2018 September - Grant from Erasmus + Program.
• 2016 September - Grant from Erasmus + Program.
• 2016 March - Grant from Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF).
• 2014 June – Training program (Innovating Teaching and Learning of European Studies) at Vrije University of Brussels (Belgium).
• 2009 - 2011 Faculty Development Program. The George Washington University, USA.
• 2009-2011 Grant of the Rustaveli Foundation. “Kartli’s Population Ethnic Issues and Changes in Anthropological Types.
• 2009 - 2010 Grant awarded by EU, Danish Refugee Council. Research Project: “Returned Migrants.”
• 2008 July – Training program at Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey)
• 2008 April –Training programs at Innsbruck and Vienna Universities (Austria).
• 2007 September – Training program at Grenoble University (France).
• 2004 August – 2005 August. Fellowship Program at the Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University; USA.
• 2004-2005 Grant awarded by the Georgian Academy of Sciences. Research Project: “Migratory Behavior of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.”
• 2002-2003 Grant awarded by the Georgian Academy of Sciences; Research Project: “Students Demographic Behavior and Potential Migration in Georgia.”
• 2000 Research Fellowships in Contemporary Issues, 2000. USIA Regional Scholars Exchange Program. George Mason University, VA. USA.
• 1999-2000 Grant awarded by the Georgian Academy of Sciences; Research Project: “Pipeline Constructions and Demographic Situation in Kvemo Kartli Region of Georgia.”
• 1998 October – Seminars at Georgetown University, USA.
• 1997-1999 Grant: Ethnic Conflicts and Population Migration in Georgia, awarded by the Soros Foundation;
• 1996 Research Fellowships in Contemporary Issues, 1996. USIA Regional Scholars Exchange Program. Washington, D.C. USA.


• Medal of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, October 2020
• Certificate from the University of Malta, Valletta, February 2019
• Certificate from Ostfold University, Norway, September 2018
• Certificate from Ostfold University, Norway, September 2016
• Certificate from Masters International Research and Development Center, Spain, July 2017
• Certificate from Ostfold University, Norway, September 2016
• Certificate from Ca Foscari University, Venice, Italy, June 2016
• Certificate from Harvard University, Boston, US, May 2016
• Certificate from the University of Barcelona, Spain. June 2015
• Certificate from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas US. March 2015
• Certificate from the University of London, UK. November 2014
• Certificate from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. July 2014
• Certificate from Gumushane University, Turkey. May 2014
• Certificate from the West University of Timisoara, Romania. May 2012
• Certificate from the University of Westminster, UK. September 2011
• Certificate from the George Washington University, USA. May 2011
• Certificate from Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. June 2010
• Certificate from Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2008
• Certificate from Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA. July 2005
• Certificate from George Mason University, USA. June 2002
• Certificate from the US Department of State, June 2000
• Certificate from the US Department of State, July 2005
• Certificate from Damascus University, Syria, 1987
• Medal of Honor awarded by the President of Georgia. Tbilisi, Georgia. September 18, 2001

Main Directions of Research:
International economics, world economy, population and development, international labor migration, globalization of the world economy.


• Executive secretary (2014) of the scholarly journal “Economics and Business.”
• Member of the US Population Bureau. 1997 - present. Washington, D.C. USA.
• Member of the Scientific Council, Institute of Demography and Sociological Studies. Georgian Academy of Sciences. 1998 – 2006. Tbilisi, Georgia.
• Member of the editorial board of the journal “Migration.” TSU, Tbilisi, Georgia.
• Member of the editorial board of the journal “International Business.” TSU, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Scientific Publications:

2 monographs, 3 monographs (co-authorship), author of more than 60 scientific articles in Georgian and English languages.


  • Ananiashvili Iuri - Head of the Department of Econometrics, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. iuri.ananiashvili@tsu.ge
  • Bedianashvili Givi - Assoc. Professor of the Department of Macroeconomics, TSU.  givi.bedianashvili@tsu.ge
  • Beridze Teimuraz - Professor of the Department of Theoretical Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU.  teimuraz.beridze@tsu.ge
  • Gaganidze George - Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business of TSU, Head of the Department of Management in Global Environment, Professor. giorgi.gaganidze@tsu.ge
  • Gelashvili Simon - Head of the Department of Economic Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. simon.gelashvili@tsu.ge
  • Gvelesiani Revaz - Head of the Department of Economic Policy, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. revaz.gvelesiani@tsu.ge
  • Gogokhia Revaz -  Deputy Chief Editor of "Economics and Business" journal, Emeritus Professor TSU. revaz.gogokhia@tsu.ge
  • Kharaishvili Eter - Head of the Department of Microeconomics, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. eter.kharaishvili@tsu.ge
  • Khelashvili Ioseb - Head of the Department of Tourism Management, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. ioseb.khelashvili@tsu.ge
  • Kovzanadze Irakli - Head of the Department of Finances and Banking, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. irakli.kovzanadze@tsu.ge
  • Maghradze Murtaz - Emeritus Professor of TSU. murtaz.maghradze@tsu.ge
  • Mekvabishvili Elguja - Editor-in-Chief of "Economics and Business" journal, Head of the Department of Theoretical Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. elguja.mekvabishvili@tsu.ge 
  • Narmania Davit - Chairman of the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC), Head of the Department of Management and Administration, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. davit.narmania@tsu.ge
  • Paichadze Nugzar - Associate Professor of the Department of Management in Global Environment, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU. nugzar.paitchadze@tsu.ge
  • Sabauri Levan - Head of the Department of Accounting and Auditing, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. levan.sabauri@tsu.ge
  • Shengelia Temur - Head of the Department of International Business, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. temur.shengelia@tsu.ge
  • Sichinava Demur - Head of the Department of Information Technologies in Business and Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. demur.sitchinava@tsu.ge
  • Todua Nugzar - Head of the Marketing Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. nugzar.todua@tsu.ge
  • Tukhashvili Mirian - Head of the Department of Macroeconomics, Faculty of Economics and Business TSU, Professor. mirian.tukhashvili@tsu.ge
  • Zubiashvili Tamaz - Executive Secretary of "Economics and Business" journal, Assoc. Professor of the Department of International Economics and Economic History, TSU. tamaz.zubiashvili@tsu.ge
  • Abesadze Ramaz – Director of Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics, Professor. ramazabesadze@yahoo.com
  • Abralava Anzor - Director of the Institute of Business and Law, Professor of the Department of Economics and Business, Technical University of Georgia. a.abralava@gtu.ge
  • Archvadze Ioseb - Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Kutaisi University. josepharchvadze@yahoo.com
  • Chikhladze Nikoloz - Member of the Georgian Academy of Economic Sciences, Professor of Tsereteli State University. Nikoloz.chikhladze@atsu.edu.ge
  • Glonti Vladimer - Head of Quality Assurance Department of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Professor. glonti74@gmail.com
  • Jibuti Mikheil – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia. m_djibuti@yahoo.com
  • Kakulia Merab - Member of the Georgian Academy of Economic Sciences, Professor of the School of Social Sciences, the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA). merab.kakulia@gmail.com
  • Kvaratskhelia Murman - Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Georgia, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Sukhumi State University. murmankvara@rambler.ru
  • Koguashvili Paata - Academician of the Agricultural Academy of Georgia, Professor of the Technical University of Georgia. paata_koguashvili@hotmail.com
  • Machavariani Shalva - Vice - Rector for Scientific Affairs of East European University, Professor. shalva.machavariani7@gmail.com
  • Vladimer Papava - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Professor. vladimer.papava@tsu.ge
  • Sekhniashvili Dali - Professor of the Engineering Economics Department, the Technical University of Georgia. d.sekhniashvili@gtu.ge
  • Silagadze Avtandil -Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Professor. avtandil.silagadze@tsu.ge
  • Turkia George - Professor of the School of Management, the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA). GIORGI.TURKIA@gmail.com


  • Altman Michael A. - Director, Hospitality and Tourism Management Program, Meredith College School of Business, North Carolina University, professor (USA)
  • Bazhenova Olena - Professor of Economic Cybernetics Department, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Ukraine)
  • Brady Gordon – Senior Research Fellow at the Center of Free Enterprise at Southern Florida College (USA)
  • De Luca Giuseppe  - Professor of Milan University (Italy)
  • Ferguéne Ameziane – Professor of Economics at Grenoble Alps University (France)
  • Chaco Elizabeth - Professor of Geography and International Relations, George Washington University (USA)
  • Haldma Toomas – Professor of Tartu University (Estonia)
  • King Roswitha M. – Leader of Research Group ‘Applied Economics,’ Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Ostfold University College, professor (Norway)
  • Lukianenko Dmytro – Rector of Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Professor (Ukraine)
  • Managadze Irakli - Chairman of Silk Road Bank Supervisory Board, Senior Advisor and Consultant at J.Stern & Co Investment Office Acad. Doctor (UK)
  • Mankiw Gregory N. – Professor of Harvard University (USA)
  • Mikhalek Jan – Professor of Warsaw University, (Poland); Neal Larry - Emeritus Professor of Illinois University (USA) 
  • Weng Wolfgang – Professor of Berlin Technical University (Germany)

Journal editorial

New Member

We recently received very nice information from the United States. World-Renowned economist Gregory Mankiw, The Chief of Pr. G. Bush (Senior) Economic Council,  Professor at Harvard University, has agreed to join our journal's editorial board.

New Member

We have some interesting news - Elizabeth Chako, a professor of geography and international relations at George Washington University (USA), has agreed to join the journal's editorial board.

New Member

Professor Olena Bozhenova of Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Ukraine) has agreed to join the editorial board of the journal "Economy and Business".

New Member

Professor Giuseppe De Luca of the University of Milan (Italy) expressed his readiness to cooperate in the editorial board of the "Economy and Business" magazine.
