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The monograph by Professor Teimuraz Beridze.


Recently, the monograph "Anthology of Economic Studies" (436 pages) by Teimuraz Beridze, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Tbilisi State University, translated by Teimuraz Nakashidze, edited by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Elguja Mekvabishvili, was published in English.
The work was published by the well-known publishing house Generis Publishing, whose printed products are distributed practically all over the world, through the networks of such large companies as Amazon markets, Octavia Books, Walmart, Wellesley Books, etc.
The work introduces the reader to the features of the transitional period of the modern Georgian economy based on the principles of the market economy after gaining independence, the contents and difficulties of the implemented reforms, the ways of overcoming the problems and the achieved results.
The monograph discusses at a high academic level such issues as the essence of economic growth, investment ability and opportunity and factors affecting it, the demand and supply situation of qualified labor force and the role of specialists with professional education in its regulation, as well as economic and legal aspects of property in Georgia in the transitional period. The author's views, conclusions and recommendations on the model of development of the Georgian economy in the conditions of globalization deserve special attention, taking into account common regularities and national specifics.
It can be said unequivocally that the monograph for English-speaking readers has not only cognitive, but also applied value. - It gives them a clear idea, on the one hand, about the current situation, problems and challenges in the Georgian economy, on the other hand, about the ways of overcoming the problems "seen from the inside", their theoretical generalization and recommendations.
The monograph by Professor Teimuraz Beridze, saturated with the latest and rich statistical material, will provide a great service to a wide circle of readers interested in the economy of Georgia outside our country - both scientists and businessmen and investors, will help them get to know the economy of Georgia better and take bold steps to establish closer academic and business relations with

Professor Ioseb Archvadze

Academician Avtandil Silagadze was awarded the Ivane Javakhishvili medal

Academician of the National Academy Sciences of Georgia, Professor Avtandil Silagadze, was awarded the Ivane Javakhishvili Medal for his fruitful scientific and university-pedagogical work, by the decision of the Academic Council of Tbilisi State University named after Ivane Javakhishvili.
The editorial board and editorial team of journal "Economics and Business", congratulate academician Avtandil Silagadze on this honorable and well-deserved award and wish him further success.




„Eternal Georgian Village".

Recently (2024) "Meridian" publishing house published the monograph (260 pp.) "Eternal Georgian Village".

Paata Koghuashvili - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Technical University of Georgia, Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
Ioseb Archvadze - Doctor of Economics, Professor of Kutaisi University.
Givi Talakvadze - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, full member of the International and Georgian Engineering Academies and the Georgian Academy of Natural Sciences, Head of the Applied Analytics and Forecasting Center of the Technical University of Georgia.
Editors: - Vladimir Papava - Academician, Nodar Chitanava - Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia.
The monograph is dedicated to the economic, social, demographic and everyday problems of the modern Georgian village, ways of overcoming them, the main aspects of the country's security related to the state of the sector.
The monograph will provide a great service to a wide circle of readers interested in agrarian issues, modern Georgian rural situation and, first of all, it is intended for government officials, specialists and researchers - who are institutionally responsible for leading the Georgian rural, agrarian sector, national economy as a whole and developing effective economic policy.


Editor of the Journal "Economy and Business"

Another Success of Academician Vladimir Papava!

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Professor of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University - Vladimir Papava was elected a full member of the International CORE Academy of Sciences and Humanities, for his special contribution to macroeconomics and applied economics.
We congratulate Mr. Vladimir on another international recognition and wish him further scientific success.




Editorial Board of the Journal “Economics and Business“

Rewarding Scientists 2020

November 10 is World Science Day established by UNESCO. In this regard, the Georgian National Academy of Sciences awarded members of the editorial board of the magazine "Economics and Business", Professors Ramaz Abesadze, Elguja Mekvabishvili and Mikheil Jibuti with honorary diplomas for scientific achievements in the field of economics. We congratulate the scientists on the honorary award and wish them further success in their work

New Book by Prof. Vladimer Papava 2021


Another book - "Becoming European: Challenges for Georgia in the Twenty-First Century" by Professor Vladimer Papava has been published in USA. This book is a collection of electronic publications over the past 15 years. These articles are devoted to the political and economic problems of Post-Communist Georgia in the XXI century. For Georgia, even before the collapse of the USSR, and especially in the last years of its existence, the priority was an Euro-Atlantic orientation. Georgia's European path of development has not been an easy one. The formation of an European state in Post-Communist Georgia is associated with many difficult tasks, which solution is of paramount importance for the future of this country. On June 27, 2014, the EU-Georgia Association Agreement was signed in Brussels. The agreement opened up new opportunities for Georgia to integrate into the EU. At the same time, Georgia still needs to do a lot of work for a real rapprochement with the EU and this will require many years of hard work.

 Leading world professors and politologs have expressed their high appreciation for the book. Between them are:

— Jeffrey D. Sachs, University Professor, Columbia University, USA;
— S. Frederick Starr, Chairman, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Washington, D.C., USA and Stockholm, Sweden;

— Anders Åslund, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council, and Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University, USA;

— Keith W. Crane, Senior Fellow, Science and Technology Policy Institute, Washington, DC, USA;

— Paul Goble, Former Special Advisor on Soviet Nationalities at the US Department of State, and Adjunct Professor, Institute of World Politics, USA;

— Paul Hare, Professor Emeritus, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK;

— Stephen F. Jones, Professor, Russian and Eurasian Studies/International Relations, Mount Holyoke College, USA;

— Neil Macfarlane, Professor of Oxford University, Oxford, UK;

— Thomas W. Simons, Jr., former U.S. Ambassador to Poland and Pakistan, Visiting Scholar, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University, USA;

— Ben Slay, Senior Economist, UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and CIS.

 The book can be viewed and purchased on the Amazon platform:



New Monograph 2020

Recently, Academician of Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimer Papava's new monograph "Unconventional Economics" was published. Feedback on the paper can be found at the link

This work gives to economists a basis for an adequate understanding of different economic realities. For future scientists, doctoral students, the monograph will undoubtedly help in a new understanding and research of the difficulties of economic science. We would like to congratulate the economic community with a monograph of global scientific significance. Congratulations to author, our colleague and friend, we wish him further creative success.


Editorial Board Meeting on March 3, 2019.

On March 3, 2019, another session of the editorial board of the "Economics and Business" magazine was held at the Faculty of Economics and Business, where a discussion was held about the introduction of the rubric of Georgian economic terminology in the magazine and the necessary format for creating an appropriate international standard for the literature used in the articles.
The members of the editorial board discussed and unanimously approved the content of the N1 issue of the magazine for 2019.
Regarding the further inclusion of the journal in international databases, the importance of increasing the number of articles published in the journal in English and attracting foreign authors more intensively was noted at the session.

Editorial Board meeting on May 21, 2019.

Editorial board meeting on March 3, 2019.On May 21, 2019, another meeting of the editorial board of "Economics and Business" journal was held, at which the journal board discussed and approved the content of journal N2 of 2019. The reviewers presented their findings regarding the articles. A separate note was made regarding some works. Overall, the articles presented in the journal are appreciated and recommended for publication.
The editorial board also discussed the organizational issue. In particular, the board includes the former president of the National Bank of Georgia, currently the chairman of the Supervisory Board of Silk Road Bank (England), senior advisor and consultant of J.Stern&Co's investment office, academician Irakli Managadze.

New Monograph 2018

The Publishing House "Intellect" published the monograph (287 pp.) - "Financial Crises of the Era of Globalization and the Economy of Georgia". Author - Econ. Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Editor-in-chief of "Economics and Business" journal - Elguja Mekvabishvili, Editor - Econ. Doctor of Sciences, Professor Teimuraz Beridze; Reviewers - Econ. Doctor of Sciences Professor Revaz Gvelesiani, Econ. Acad. Doctor, Associate Prof. Inga Balarjishvili, Econ. Acad. Doctor, Associate Prof. Tamaz Zubiashvili.
The work was done by the Department of Theoretical Economic of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
The monograph discusses the regularities of the origin and development of economic globalization, shows the contradictions characteristic of globalization, one of the main manifestations of which are regional and global financial crises. The causes and logic of development of financial crises in the countries of Latin America and East Asia region are characterized. The impact of the East Asian crisis on the banking and currency spheres of the Georgian economy is analyzed.
Special attention is paid to the study of the global financial crisis of 2007-2009. A new theoretical and methodological basis for crisis research has been developed. An important place in the book is the analysis of challenges and threats in the period of post-crisis development of the global and Georgian economy. Some measures to prevent them are suggested. The author's interpretation of the crisis-free development model of the economy and the study of the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the effective integration of Georgia into the globalized economy are original.
The work is intended for students of economics and business administration of higher institutions, professors and a wide circle of readers interested in economic issues.

Editorial Board Meeting on December 6, 2018.

On December 6, 2018, the session of the editorial board of the journal "Economics and Business" was held at the Faculty of Economics and Business. The members of the editorial board discussed the reviews, notes of N4 articles of 2018. The board unanimously approved the contents of the N4 journal of 2018.
The board also discussed changes to the format of articles to be published. An opinion was expressed that the volume of the Summary should be increased, as this is a necessary condition for placing the journal in international databases.
