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Journal number 2 ∘ Nugzar ToduaNino Gogitidze
Impact of Digital Banking Services on Consumer Satisfaction


The main factors affecting the use of digital banking services by customers in Georgian banks are studied in the article. Based on diverse literature, appropriate hypotheses and a conceptual model of research have been developed. The questionnaire survey method is used for the research. Data were collected through a random sampling of consumers and a self-administered questionnaire. The collected data is used to process correlation, regression, and factor analysis. The reliability of the research analysis was confirmed, and the main factors identified were awareness, ease of use, trust, and social media marketing activities, which have a positive effect on the intention to use digital banking, which, in turn, has a positive impact on satisfaction and use of Internet banking. As a result of the research, it was determined that consumers in the banking sector of Georgia should be encouraged to use digital banking services through various marketing activities. This paper provides theoretical guidance on the characteristics of digital banking services and the main factors influencing their use by customers. The research has practical applications for commercial banks operating in Georgia, which can adapt this model to the natural environment. This model will help banks use digital banking services to increase customer satisfaction and improve existing digital products.
The results of the study show that close digital interaction with customers through social media has a positive effect on increasing trust; customers perceive the use of digital services as less risky, which encourages the actual use of Internet banking. Therefore, the variables studied are an effective driving force for Georgian banks' digital marketing strategy, which increases their chances of meeting customer expectations. Based on the results of the research, bank marketing should be aimed at the continuous improvement of digital banking services, which will promote the perception of more benefits among customers and, therefore, increase satisfaction with the received services. This optimistic outlook on the potential improvements in customer satisfaction can inspire the audience to take action.
It is expected that the results of the study will improve the existing knowledge about the characteristics of digital banking services and the main factors of their use by customers. In this study, reliable tools are used to study the factors affecting the use of digital banking services. Therefore, the conducted research allows for the development of such recommendations, the consideration of which will improve digital banking services in the Georgian market. Above all, commercial banks operating in Georgia can adapt this model by using digital banking services to increase customer satisfaction, as well as to improve existing applications and digital products. The use of the resources presented in the study is recommended in the process of forming digital banking services. Based on the conducted research, Georgian banks should provide consumers with instructions that encourage them to actively use digital services. Acquaintance with the results of the present study is recommended for both middle and top managers to make the service quality improvement process more flexible and help the marketing portfolio take a leading position in the banking industry. This reiteration of the research's importance can make the audience feel valued and integral to the industry's operations.

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Keywords: Digital Banking Services, Internet Banking, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Research.
JEL Codes: E44, E50, E58, M31