Journal number 4 ∘ Megi Surmanidze ∘ Importance of Social Responsibilities of Business for Companies and Modern TrendsThe article deals with the social responsibilities of business, its global role and importance, which in the modern business environment is a factor with significant influence, changing the company’s reputation. The author’s goal is to define the importance of business social responsibilities in business and to present its effects as clearly as possible.
The article presents views on the social responsibilities of business: “CSR-corporate social responsibility refers to the economic, legal, moral, ecological, sociological and psychological environment” (Bernard, 198), taking into account this view, companies’ responsibility for society should not be limited to economic ones. by activity.
The article compares the views of the last century about the social responsibility of business and the views of modern specialists, a quote is given: “Business has only one social responsibility.” In the article published in 1970, Milton Friedman discusses the social responsibility of business in this way. The progress is clear both by the experts in the field of business and social responsibilities, as well as by the business operators themselves of their own social role and purpose, in the article, the author tries to present beneficial changes in terms of understanding social responsibilities, and finally to present the social activity by business as an obligation.
The article analyzes the researches on the social responsibility of business, including the research carried out by the Global Network of the United Nations Agreement in Georgia, the Center for Strategic Studies and Development, where several important aspects of social responsibility are discussed, the research aimed to study the attitude of the society towards the social responsibility of business. During the research, taking into account the results of the conducted research, the social responsibility of the business and the level of awareness by the company is a determining factor of its reputation and reliability. As for the forms of social responsibilities, they are equally important for the implementation of social responsibilities for business, social responsibilities exist inside and outside the company,Companies should understand their responsibilities towards consumers, partner society, and people employed in the company.
In the social responsibilities of business discussed in the article, the process of delegating responsibilities is important, the author tries to present the process from documenting the realization of social responsibilities during business to its implementation, companies with high social responsibility carry social, economic, moral, psychological responsibility as a team, as well as consumers, persons with special social needs, the environment and nature, as well as create appropriate corporate ethics, norms, corporate culture and, accordingly, corporate responsibility And also aware of the persons and parties responsible for their activities, in modern companies high responsibilities are placed on executives, managers, partners, suppliers, employees, investors, government and other parties.
The author names the world’s largest companies that extract natural ore, resources and do not carry out their activities in a safe manner, thus they cause environmental disasters, for example, “Peabody Energy” is a company that causes air pollution with its activities. Among the companies causing environmental damage is the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, which produces oil. The article also discusses the importance of strategic planning and the need to publicize the strategic development document as part of the transparency of the companies’ activities. The research carried out by the United Nations also shows that respondents trust companies that do not hide information about their financial situation, revenues, strategic goals and plans. Focusing on the strategic plan in the article, the author emphasizes one of the important features of realizing social responsibility: transparency as a prerequisite for credibility.
In the process of analyzing business social responsibility, corporate ethics and corporate culture are separated, business social responsibility means team members being responsible for their behavior and decisions, thus companies with a high sense of social responsibility create a corporate ethics document that dictates basic rules and norms of behavior to employees.
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Keywords: Social responsibility; Business; Financial goals; Transparency; Community, Employment.
JEL Codes: M10, M14, O16