![]() Economics and Business
Referential and Reviewed International Scientific-Analytical Journal of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Economics and Business ![]() |
Journal number 3 ∘ Elguja Mekvabishvili ∘ Anthropocentric Research of the Global Financial Crisis: Transformation of “Economic Man” to “Financial Man” There is a wide range of literature about the global financial crisis in which a technocentric approach prevails, i.e. the main focus is on technical aspects of the problem. For a deep study of the phenomenon of the global financial crisis, anthropocentric approach is needed – to bring the human factor to the fore in the analysis of the problem. On the basis of this approach, it can be argued that the global financial crisis is the expression of the crisis that people are experiencing in the modern world. In order to prove this thesis, the work deals with the processes of origin and genesis of “economic man”. Three fundamental categories are singled out in the concept of “economic man”: Methodological individualism, economic egoism and rational behavior. Excessive selfishness of “economic man”, which manifests itself in indefinite willingness to maximize profits, stipulates the need for continuous expansion of production. The latter implies aJournal number 3 ∘ Amiran Berdzenishvili ∘ Kakha Ketsbaia ∘ Globalization and Traditional Religions The work reviews the challenges in the relatonships of globalizaton and traditonal religions, specifically, the main varieties of response on globalizaton as objective process in religion sphere. As a result of research analysis are exposed three positions: 1) complete or partially tailoring to globalization process; 2) counter-globalization and criticism and 3) the; personal alternative; all of them are observed almost in all religions. The first position belongs to: Judaism, Catholicism, protestants and Sunites trend of Islam. In the second raw are placed Islam and the Russian Orthodox; the third position involves euro-asian pagan and certain traditional trends inside religions. The Georgian Orthodox Church reveals reasonable approach towards this globalization, the basis of which is the understanding which will promote cultural and religious retention of an identity. Is should be noted in the final part of the article that generally the globalization doesn’t contradict the rJournal number 3 ∘ Evgeni Baratashvili ∘ Anzor Abralava ∘ Irma Makharashvili ∘ Tamar Lagvilava ∘ About the Issue of Territorial Arrangement The regional development of the economy is the area of realization of the main priorities of the state and regional policy, the principles of which are established. All the main objectives of regional development, as well as the country’s territorial development strategies in the process of development are directly related to the provision of economic security of the country. However, the complete solution of these tasks requires the agreement of all named documents as well as the clarity of its main provisions, argumentation. The economic security of the country and its regions can only be possible in consideration of the specific determination of existing threats, as well as potential threats and, consequently, the strategic vision of the ways to eliminate these threats. In our opinion, in the new strategy there are not fully realized these conditions; real and illusory threats are not always easy to find, and sometimes even illusory threats covers real threats. This certainlyJournal number 3 ∘ Nino Zurashvili ∘ Balanced Score – (Balanced Scorecard) Model of Business Efficiency Evaluation In the article is discussed the need of creating new type performance measurement models. There is describe very effective performance measurement model, Balanced Scorecard, which is used by different companies from all over the world. In the article is identified the main perspectives of the performance measurement model. These fields are: customers, internal business process, employs’ learning and grow, finances. There is explained importance of these field and their influence on the effectiveness of organizations. In the article is showed example of balanced scorecard strategic management map, which is very useful tool for companies to perceive connection between different departments of the organization. There is established the advantages of using the performance measurement model. Keywords: Balanced Scorecard Model; Effectiveness; Customers; Strategy Management; Finances. JEL Codes: M14, M16, M20, M21 დაბალანსებული ანგარიშიJournal number 3 ∘ Revaz Geradze ∘ The Impact of Financial Liberalization on Economic Development of Georgia The question of financial liberalization and economic integration results is relevant to the country with a small, open economy. The effects of negatve crossing from major trading partner countries through financial flows and foreign demand channels during the internaƟonal financial crisis have significantly damaged Georgian exports and volume of money transfers. In this article, using the vector authorization model there was evaluated the impact of financial liberalization on Georgia’s economic growth. The results are as follows: 1. Georgia’s GDP from the first quarter responds to the positive shock of world demand and is experiencing significant growth. Positive effect decreases over time, but still remains over zero. 2. The impulse of foreign direct investment is also positively reflected on the economic growth of Georgia, although impact is relatively short-term. According to the conclusions, it is important to diversify the export markets of Georgia and to encourage tJournal number 3 ∘ Matsatso Tepnadze ∘ Effectiveness and Efficiency Analysis of the Regional Development Program in Kakheti Region The Regional Development Program 2012-2017 was implemented through the mutual financial support of the World Bank and the Government of Georgia which was aimed to unlock and support the faster growth of the Kakheti region tourism economy. The implementation of the project was expected to yield three main outcomes contained in the PDO statement. They are as follows: 1. urban regeneration and tourism circuit development of the Kakheti region 2. Infrastructure improvements to attract private investments; 3. Institutional Capacity development. An ex-post analysis of the program made by the World Bank shows that all three PDO level indicators related to this objective have been exceeded. The article provides detail analysis of efficiency and effectiveness indicators of the program, identified the infrastructure bottlenecks and provides conclusions and policy recommendations. Keywords: Regional Development; Financial and Economic Rates of Return, Cost-Benefit Analysis, EffectiveJournal number 3 ∘ Tengiz Verulava ∘ Family Support Policy in Georgia In recent decades in Georgia there is in a difficult demographic situation. According to the 2014 population census, the size of population in Georgia accounted for 3 729 635 people. It should be noted that according to the 2002 census the size of Georgia’s population was 4, 371 535 people. Thus, compared with the 2002 census the size of the population of Georgia is reduced by 14.7%. According to the researches conducted by the United Nations, the population of Georgia will be reduced to 2,985 000 people by 2050 (by 32% as compared with 2014) in the case of maintaining existing demographic trends. The severe demographic situation in Georgia is caused by low birth rates, the increase of death rate, population aging tendency. Such demographic condition in the country is conditioned by the poor economic situation, high level of unemployment and migration, also the high rate of abortions. Given this, it is important to develop appropriate public policy. Family support policy includesJournal number 3 ∘ Teimuraz Gognadze ∘ Distance Learning in Education System: Essence, Importance, Perspectives The article discusses the distance learning technology in the field of education. There is analyzed the prerequisites of its origin, the necessity of introduction, the situation in the world and in Georgia. The distance learning fee and best programs are presented in leading universities in the world. It is proposed the improvement measures for the development of distance learning in Georgia. Keywords: Distance Learning; System of Education; Networking Technologies. JEL Codes: I20, I21, I22 დისტანციური განათლების სისტემის არსი და ტექნოლოგიები მსოფლიოში განათლების მსურველთა რაოდენობის არნახულმა ზრდამ, სწავლების დაუსწრებელი ფორმის გაუქმებამ და ელექტრონული ტექნოლოJournal number 3 ∘ Giga Kikoria ∘ Analysis of the Factors of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis of the World The human is the starting point for the economy. Directly or indirectly, he/she is related to the current events in the economy. Consequently, he/she has some influence on the economic process. For example, in the global financial and economic crisis, the human factor is reflected as the decision-making person, even though the causes of the crisis depend on a lot of exogenous and endogenous factors. Consequently, there are various types of crises that economists have a lot of ideas about. However, there is no single formula for the overcoming of the crisis. Thus, the problem has deep roots and the issue is still relevant. That is why it is necessary to re-discover the causes of the crisis, consider the role of a human in its shaping and to develop recommendations. The paper deals with the nature of recent global financial crises, their causes, the outcomes and the author's opinions, based on scientific literature and various analytical articles. Keywords: Human, Banking Crisis, Econo |