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Journal number 2 ∘ Irakli Kovzanadze

Tendencies and Prospects for Developing the World Economy and Post-Soviet Economies by Incorporating Geopolitical Shock Around Ukraine

 journal N 2. 2023 The article presents a vision towards the current trends and prospects for the development of the world economyand economies of countries in the post-Soviet space by taking into account the influence of macroeconomic and political factors, including the geopolitical crisis witnessed around Ukraine. Attention is focused on the need to strengthen the financial stability of countries and regions, taking into account the influence of negative factors.The article analyzes the trends and prospects for the development of the world economy, the economies of countries in the post-Soviet space, taking into account the influence of macroeconomic and political factors, including the geopolitical crisis around Ukraine. Attention is focused on the need to strengthen the financial stability of countries and regions, taking into account the influence of negative factors. Keywords: World economy, post-Soviet economies, economic growth rates, inflation, savings and investments
Journal number 2 ∘ Gulnazi Erkomaishvililali khurtsia

Background to the Formation of Energy Hub in Georgia and Development Prospects

The article introduces energy security policy as a new functional direction of Europe, including Georgia. The Russia-Ukraine war and the sanctions imposed on Russia raise the issue of European energy security and the search for new alternative routes, as the problems of transit of energy resources in the practice of EU energy diplomacy are increasingly aggravated. So far, the European Union has focused on creating energy security and national hubs in many directions, including Georgia as the hub of the South Caucasus and Caspian regions.The aim of the study is to analyze the prospects of designing and implementing the energy hub policy in Georgia in accordance with the requirements of the European Union and to look for ways for its effective implementation.The article concludes that Georgia's economic security based on energy security is related to activation of Georgia's transport corridor function, energy diplomacy with decision-making countries and maximum use of opportunities.Due t
Journal number 2 ∘ Paata KoguashviliJoseph Archvadze

The Modern State and Prospects of Georgias Food Supply

In the modern world, food security is recognized as physical and economic access to food products necessary for human life and their production in sufficient quantities. Physical availability is considered as the availability of products of sufficient quantity and quality.Economic availability implies that a person should have enough income to be able to satisfy the need for food at least minimally.The negative consequences of the ongoing economic transformations in Georgia directly affected food security. With a sharp decrease in the volume of agricultural production, the level of production of food products also fell.Compared to 1990, in 2019 grain production decreased - 1.7 times, including wheat production - 2.6 times, corn - 1.3 times, potatoes - 4.5 times, vegetables - 2.8 times, meat - 2.5 times, milk - 1.2 times, eggs - 1.2 times. The yield is low, namely wheat - 23 pcs., corn - 2 pcs., potatoes - 123 pcs., vegetables - 88 pcs. Breeding productivity is also low, in particular,
Journal number 2 ∘ Rezo Manvelidzezanda meskhidze

Problems and Possibilities of Sustainable Food Farming Formation in the Post-Pandemic Period

journal N 2. 2023 Economic development is influenced by various internal and external factors, including economic crises, however, there is a known crisis, which independently creates a delay in the development of various sectors, and it is not directly caused by economic, typical factors. A similar atypical crisis began at the end of 2019, and 2020 year turned out to be a turning point for the world economy, the Covid-19 pandemic created an economic crisis, which management depended not only on the economy, but also on the health sector, on the duration, scale, and values of various limiting factors.Despite the significant disruption in various sectors of the economy, the pandemic, along with the challenges, created new opportunities in agriculture and gave farmers a kind of incentive to expand production, and searching for innovation.It is a worldwide recognized fact that the production, organization, and management of agricultural products do not lose their relevance during any kin
Journal number 2 ∘ Nugzar Toduagiorgi robakidze

Marketing Aspects of Product Placement and Modern Trends Its Development

The increasing demand for integrated marketing communications (IMC) in modern business has led marketers to employ various media platforms for advertising appeals. One such method is product placement, which has already gained widespread usage in marketing communications. Consequently, examining the role of product placement has become a pertinent research topic in the field of marketing. The present study is based on diverse definitions of product placement, whereupon a comparative analysis allows us to conclude that product placement serves as a marketing technique involving the incorporation of visual or graphic images, messages, brand logos, or products within entertainment media platforms such as television programs, movies, music, video games, and advergames. Notwithstanding the substantial body of literature on product placement classification, there is a lack of consensus regarding a universally accepted framework in this field. This article places particular emphasis on two cl
Journal number 2 ∘ Nugzar Paichadze

Opinion on the Appropriateness of the Georgian Translation of the Important Economic Terms "Human Resource" and "Human Capital" and the Name of the Faculty - Economics and Business of TSU

In the present article is discussed Georgian translation of such significant economic terms as "Human Resources" and "Human Capital". It is also discussed in the article about the expediency of the current name of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Tbilisi State University.Great attention has always been paid to the issues of improving economic terminology. In this sense, the arguments of such well-known scientists as academicians are especially interesting and significant: P. Gugushvili, V. Chantladze, vl. Papava. A. Silagadze, M. Djibouti, member-correspondent of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia L. Chikava and others.Currently, in Georgian economic literature and official state documents, the terms "Human resources" and "Human capital" are mostly established to match the English terms "Human Resources" and "Human Capital". However, there are different opinions. In the dictionary of Economic and Demographic Terminology (Russian-Georgian and Georgian-Russian) which was
Journal number 2 ∘ Tengiz Verulava

Readiness for COVID-19 Vaccination Among Healthcare Workers in Georgia Based on the Health Belief Model

The aim of the study was to examine factors associated with the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine to influence the low coverage of the population with the COVID-19 vaccine.Our study showed a high rate of vaccination against COVID-19 among healthcare workers (84%). Similar results have been obtained from studies conducted in other countries (Wang et al. 2021). This indicates that during the pandemic medical workers have an increased perception of the risk of infection and the demand for means of protection against it (Nemr et al. 2021).The study found that uptake of the COVID-19 vaccination varies by socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, occupation, education level, average monthly income, and place of residence. The highest level of vaccination acceptance (90%) was confirmed in the age group of 45 years and older, which can be explained by the fact that susceptibility to infectious diseases increases with age. Also, with increasing age, the
Journal number 2 ∘ Maya Gogokhia

Stock Market Development in Georgia

The stock market is a mechanism for attracting investment in the country's economy. Thus, its development is important. The article emphasizes the role of investment funds, which makes investing massive. It is noted that at present there is only one functioning stock exchange in Georgia - the Georgian Stock Exchange, although in 2015 the Tbilisi Stock Exchange was also established. The activities of the stock exchange are inextricably linked with the activities of the central depository, which is currently an institution that confirms the rights to electronic securities, but the deponent is not always the owner of the securities. At the same time, a line was drawn between the activities of the central depository and the specialized depository. It is noted that today the stock exchanges are formed in electronic form as joint stock companies. As for the capitalization of the stock market, in practice, when discussing the capitalization of companies, they always have in mind only the capi
Journal number 2 ∘ Nato Kakashvili

Insurance Packages in life Insurance

Financial support of life insurance is one of the priority and important tasks of the state, as human life is the most significant and valuable asset of the country's economy. In Georgia, life insurance is an unpopular field, because the interest of the population and the number of insured persons are small. Therefore, it is important to determine the state of the life insurance market and the ways of its development, as the population of Georgia suffers from a lack of information in terms of life insurance, thus it is necessary to regulate the prices of consumer-oriented life insurance services. The population has always needed and needs protection from financial losses, which contributed to the development and establishment of life insurance. During life insurance, in exchange for the payment of the insurance premium, in the case of the death of the beneficiary or reaching a certain age, the insured or the beneficiary will receive the sum determined by the contract by the insurer. In
Journal number 2 ∘ rusudan sreseli

Important Issues of Internal Audit Development

The stability and long-term development of growing companies is unthinkable if risk management does not take a proper role in the management system, even at the informal level. This has long been reflected in the corporate law of a number of countries, in the code of corporate governance and in the international and national regulatory documents of specific fields of activity (e.g., banking, public sector).Interest in risk management as a company's strategic tool has increased particularly in light of recent corporate scandals that commenced at the end of the last century and demonstrated the consequences of inadequate risk management.Risk management, as one of the main links, was formed at the initial stage of internal audit development and established to meet management requirements. For successful internal auditors, the management objectives of a company are the guidelines for their operational activities and planning. Audit objectives should be aligned with management objectives so
Journal number 2 ∘ Eka LekashviliIa Natsvlishvili

Researching Women Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Since the beginning of this year, it became known that the project “Female Entrepreneurship – Empowering Female Students to Pursue an Entrepreneurial Career (FEEN)” was selected for the implementation by Austrian Agency for Development within the framework of Austrian Partnership Program in Higher Education and Research for Development (APPEAR). The project is coordinated by the professor Sabine Bergner from University of Graz (Austria). Prof. Bergner holds a PhD in Psychology and a venia docendi in Business Administration. She is an Associate Professor at the University Graz and fulfills a bridging position between the Department of Psychology and the Department of Leadership & Entrepreneurship. She has ample research, teaching and training experience in the field of entrepreneurship and leadership – inside as well as outside academia. She is a highly active scholar with rich international experience for instance as a researcher and project leader in Great
Journal number 2 ∘ Alexander Vasiliev

Metaeconomics - a New Direction of Economic Thought Metaeconomics - A New Direction of Scientific, Philosophical and Economic Thought

The author’s Internet search for scientific papers related to the evolutionary approach in modern theoretical studies of to economics as a science and practice of social development, unexpectedly led us to two scientists who proactively established the new direction indicated in the title.Therefore, before presenting to the readers new research results, it is necessary to briefly present modern Internet sources and some substantial information that have been found about the mentioned scientists and their publications. Historically, the first - judging by the received information, the founder of this direction is the Georgian scientist George Malashkhia (Doctor of Economic Sciences, who has many publications in different countries since the 70s of the last century). Information about him is available on Wikipedia (see Metaeconomics). Unfortunately, his main paper "Metaeconomics - Philosophy of Economics" (Tbilisi, 1995) was published in Georgian language, but if we make a judgment