![]() Economics and Business
Referential and Reviewed International Scientific-Analytical Journal of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Economics and Business ![]() |
Journal number 4 ∘ IV International Scientific Conference "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business" (Tbilisi, 1-2 November, 2019) https://www.tsu.ge/data/file_db/economist_faculty/konf%20IV.pdf The 4th International Scientific Conference "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business" was held on November 1-2, 2019 at the Faculty of Economics and Business of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. The conference was attended by scientists from both Georgia and other countries: Germany, Scotland, Poland, Republic of Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan. On November 1, the plenary session was opened at the first building of the University by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business of TSU, Professor Giorgi Gaganidze, TSU Rector Giorgi Sharvashidze, Chairman of the Committee of the Parliament of Georgia in Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia Mariam Jashi, Chairman of the Committee of the Parliament of Georgia in Sectoral Economy and Economic Policy Roman Kakulia, Academician, TSU Professor Vladimer Papava and Academician, TSU Professor Avtandil Silagadze. They all delivered the welcome speeches. The following professors made speeches on their works at the plenary session:
After the break, conference work was resumed in sections. 14 sections worked: v ECONOMETRICS - Head of the session: Professor Iuri Ananiashvili. Two reports were presented: "Monetary Policy in a Quasi-Linear Macroeconomic Model” - Professor Iuri Ananiashvili;Associate Professor Lia Totladze: “Possible Approaches to Measuring Human Capital". v ECONOMIC POLICY - Head of the session: Professor Revaz Gvelesiani. Three reports were made by TSU Professor Revaz Gvelesiani - "Conflict of Economic Interest - A Form of Discovery of Contradictory Interdependence between Basic Public Values"; Associate Professor at Caucasus University Emir Eteria – “Globalization and Economic Aspects of the Georgia-EU Association Agreement"; TSU Ph.D. student Kristine Ugulava – “Local Economic Development (LED) - New Strategy for Sustainable Development”. v THEORETICAL ECONOMICS - Head of the session: Professor Elguja Mekvabishvili. Five reports were presented by Academician Vladimer Papava and Doctor of Economics Vakhtang Charaia: “On Imflation Measurement and Complex Targeting of Inflation”; Doctor of Economics, Invited Professor Rusudan Sirbiladze and TSU Ph.D. student Lali Okroshidze: “The Importance of Innovation and Creativity in the Development of the Regional Economy". Also, there were reports of Anzor Abralava - Professor at GTUand Podiashvili David – Ph.D. student of the same University: "Factor Classification of the Firm's Environmental Strategy";Talaibek Koichumanov and Kuban Askirkulov - Professors at Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University: “Challenges of the Silk Road Economic Belt for Central Asian Countries”; “Evaluation of measures to improve the business environment in line with the principles of Open Governance (Open Assessment)”. v MACROECONOMICS - Head of the session: Professor Mirian Tukhashvili. The section featured twelve reports: Associate Professor at ATSU Naira Virsaladze and Assistant Professor at ATSU Malvina Kipiani: "Employment and New Jobs in the Dilemma of the Georgian Economy”; Tengiz Verulava - Academic Doctor of Medicine, Professor at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University: „Raising the State Guarantees for the Population”; Nazira Kakulia - TSU Associate Professor and Tea Lazarashvili - Associate Professor at Caucasus International University: "Institutional Transformation and its Challenges in Georgia"; Emilia Kraynakova - Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophy at Alexander Dubcek University of Trentyn in Slovakia: "Sustainability in the Study of Migration and Migration Policy”; Zumrud Nadjafova - Lecturer of the Department of Economics at Azerbaijan State University of Economics: "The Main Structure and Directions of Azerbaijan's Economic Diversification”; Nanuli Okruashvili and Nino Paresashvili - TSU Associate Professors: “Youth Unemployment in Georgia and ways of its reducing”; Marina Tabatadze - TSU Assistant Professor: “The Economic Strategy of Decentralization and the Features of Fiscal Policy”; Miron Tugushi - TSU Associate Professor: “Accounting is an Important Prerequisite for Effective Management of Employment and Unemployment; "Malkhaz Chikobava - TSU Associate Professor: “Risks of the New Great Depression and Key Factors of Long Stagnation”; Sergej Vojtovic - Doctor of Sociology, Emilia Krajnakova - Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophy, Magdalena Tufa - Assistant Professor at Alexander Dubcek University of Trentyn in Slovakia: "Calculating the Balance of Economic Benefits and Losses from Migration of Foreign Workers”; Rainer Wehner - Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg - Schweinfurt and Markus Engert - Ph.D. student at the same University: “Impact of Globalization on European Airlines Market”; Horatiu Dragomirescu - Professor at Bucharest University of Economic Studies in Romania: “The Counter-Intuitive Aspects of the Digital Formation Related to the Economic Regime”. v MICROECONOMICS - Head of the session: Professor Eteri Kharaishvili. Six reports were presented in this section: Natalia Kubiniy - Professor at Uzhgorod National University in the Ukraine, Victoria Marhitich and Tamila Kosovilka - Ph.D. students at the same University: "Strategic Development Potential of Regional Economics”; Tamar Lazarashvili - TSU Assistant Professor: “The Role of Investments in Stimulating Agrarian Production”; Leila Kadagishvili - TSU Assistant Professor and Rusudan Maisuradze - TSU Ph.D. student: “About the Success and Prospect of Georgian Wine on the World Market”; Nazira Karkashadze and Tinatin Gugeshashvili - Doctors of Economics: “Knowledge and its Role in Consumer Behaviour”; Mariam Jibuti - TSU Ph.D. student: "Regions of Georgia and Their Characteristics”; Arvydas Bakanauskas, Lina Pileliene - Associate Professors at the Vytautas Magnus University: “Factors Affecting Employer Attraction in Latvian Manufacturing Companies”. v INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS - Head of the session: Academician, Professor Avtandil Silagadze. The section featured four reports: Mikheil Tokmazishvili - TSU Associate Professor: „Social Capital of Turkish Entrepreneurs in Georgia”; Ramaz Putkaradze - TSU Associate Professor: "Romania in the European Integration Process (12 years in the EU)"; Lela Jamagidze - TSU Associate Professor: “Debt Characteristics of Households in European Countries”; Zurab Mtchedlishvili - TSU Ph.D. student: “Ilia Chavchavadze on Foreign Trade and Modernity”. v STATISTICS- Head of the session: Professor Simon Gelashvili. Seven reports were made in this section: Simon Gelashvili - TSU Professor: “Reforming State Statistics in the Republic of South Africa at the End of the Twentieth Century"; Marina Muchiashvili - TSU Associate Professor, Zamira Shonia and Maya Giorgobiani - TSU Assistant Professors: “Impact of Georgia's Debt Sustainability on Country’s Economic Growth”; Marine Mindorashvili and Nino Abesadze - TSU Associate Professors, Maya Giorgobiani - TSU Assistant Professor: “Statistical Analysis of Students' Socio-Demographic Characteristics”; Rusudan Kinkladze - Associate Professor of Georgian Technical University and Ketevan Chitaladze - TSU Invited Lecturer: “Foreign Students in Georgia and their Impact on the Country's Economy”; Merab Khmaladze - TSU Associate Professor: “National Composition of Georgian Population”; Marika Shonia - TSU Ph.D. Student: Birth Rate in Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Region”; Elene Pirtskhalaishvili - TSU Ph.D. Student: “Science, Technology and Innovation in a Globalized World”. v ACCOUNTING, ANALISES, AUDIT - Head of the session: Professor Levan Sabauri. Eight reports were presented in the section: Izolda Chiladze - TSU Associate Professor and Lia Kozmanashvili - TSU Assistant Professor: “Actual Issues of Enterprise Cash Flow Reporting Analysis”; Levan Sabauri - TSU Professor, Nadejda Kvatashidze – TSU Associate Professor: "Issues of Accounting for Impairment of Financial Instruments”; Marina Maisuradze and Mariam Vardiashvili - Associate Professors at TSU: “Accounting Balance Analysis Actual Issues" (Example of "Telasi"); Angheli Khorava - TSU Associate Professor: “Issues of Conditional Commitments Reflection in Financial Statements”; Lia Kozmanashvili - TSU Assistant Professor: “On the "Estonian Model of Judicial Profit Taxation”; Zeinab Gogrichiani - TSU teacher: “The Reflection of the Reporting Period’s Following Events in the Financial Statements“; Merab Jikia - TSU Associate Professor: "Features and Benefits of Cost Sharing by Type of Activity”; Nazi Gvaramia - Associate Professor of Sokhumi University: “Audit Practice and Standardization’s Modern Era”;Elguja Konjaria - Associate Professor of Teaching University “Gaenati”: "Revision and Audit Ratio Issues"; Murad Narsia - SEU Professor: "Some Problems with Adaptation to the Law on Audit”. v MARKETING - Head of the session: Professor Nugzar Todua. The section featured five reports: Natik Huseyn Gurbanov, Eldar Nadir Guliyev and Rauf Gushkhani – Associate Professors at Azerbaijan State University of Economics: "Some Problems with Insurance Marketing"; Nugzar Todua - TSU Professor: “Impact of Destination Image on Tourist Buying Behaviour”; Ekaterine Urotadze - TSU Assistant Professor: “The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Customer Satisfaction in the Tourism Industry”; Khalil Nizrafilzade and Najaf Babiyev – Ph.D. students at Vytautas Magnus University: "Millennium Challenge: Determining the Level of Engagement on an Instagram Example”; Lina Pilliene - Associate Professor at Vytautas Magnus University: “Theoretical Views on Measuring Citizen’s Satisfaction”. v MANAGEMENT - Head of the session: Professor Davit Narmania. The section featured eight reports: Davit Narmania - TSU Professor, Eka Chokheli, Giuli Keshelashvili and Manana Kharkheli - TSU Associate Professors, Nino Sardlishvili, Beka Topuria, Gvantsa Iluridze - TSU Ph.D. students: "Accumulated Pension System and Management Challenges in Georgia”; Nino Zurashvili - Doctor of Business Administration: “Real Estate Market Analysis”; Nunu Nikolishvili– TSU Doctorate student: "Internal Organizational Communication and its Main Characteristics”; Nino Sardlishvili– TSU Doctorate student: “Actions for Professional Development of Personnel in Public Service”; Sesili Tabatadze - TSU Ph.D. student: "Analysis and Evaluation of State Environmental Projects"; Tamar Ghambashidze - GTU Associate Professor: “Organizational Culture Formation and Security Trends”; Tamar Beridze - GTU Professor, Medea Chelidze and Guguli Kurashvili - GTU Associate Professors: „Innovative Technologies - to Ensure Quality Education“; Angela Walter- Professor at the University of Applied Sciences of Zwickau, Germany, Soren Forster - Ph.D. student at the same University: „Effects of Globalization on Human Resources Management in SMEs“. v INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Head of the session: Professor Temur Shengelia. There were nine reports on the section: Temur Shengelia - TSU Professor: „Social Entrepreneurship Research Methodology and Impact on Solving Georgia's Social Tasks“; Ushangi Samadashvili - Associate Professor at TSU: "Dynamics of Small and Medium Business Development and the Reasons for Restrictions in Georgia”; Lali Khikhadze - Associate Professor at TSU: "The Future of Blockchain Technology and the Development of Digital Communications in Modern Global Business”;Khatuna Berishvili - Associate Professor at TSU: "Trends in International Trade Development in Conditions of Contemporary Globalization”; Temur Babunashvili - TSU Visiting Professor: "The Role of Innovative Entrepreneurship in SMEs and the Potential of Alternative Energy in Georgia"; Tamar Dudauri - Associate Professor at Caucasus International University: "The Impact of Transnational Corporations on the Economy of Recipient Countries";Dimitri Javakhadze - Doctor of Economics: "Global Trends in Digital Transformed Business Analyses”; also reports, presented by Nino Janelidze, Mariam Melikidze - TSU Ph.D. students and Ana Guchua, Khvicha Sharashidze – Ph.D. students at Kutaisi University. v TOURISM - Head of the session: Professor Ioseb Khelashvili. The section featured four reports: Eka Lekashvili - Associate Professor at TSU: “Challenges and Opportunities for Professional Development of Georgia's Cultural Heritage Guide”; Nana Katsitadze - TSU Associate Professor and Mariam Kutateladze - TSU Ph.D. student: “Negative Organizational Service Climate and its Impact on Employees’ Expression of False Smile and Burn Out“. Niko Kvaratskhelia – Professor at The Saint Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia and Nino Damenia - Associate Professor of the same University: “The Challenges of Cultural Tourism in the Context of Globalization”; Merab Khokhobia - Assistant Professor at TSU: "Systematic Aspects of Strategic Planning for Tourist Destination". v FINANCE AND BANKING - Head of the session: Professor Irakli Kovzanadze. The section featured six reports: Manana Alibegashvili - TSU Ph.D. student: “The Impact of Money Value on the Project Implementation Process”; Maya Gogokhia - TSU Associate Professor: "Regulation of International Banking of Georgia by Basel Agreement”; Khatuna Barbakadze - TSU Associate Professor, Nato Kakashvili - TSU Assistant Professor: “Improving Financial Settlement Rules in Reinsurance”; Natia Kakhniashvili - Doctor of Business Administration: "An Inclusive Business Model as One of the Financial Aspects of Poverty Alleviation”; Mikheil Chikviladze - Associate Professor at TSU: “Fiscal Risks of the 2019 Budget”; Nino Samchkuashvili - Associate Professor at Georgian National University (SEU): “The Role and Importance of the Financial Services Industry in Developing the Country's Economy”. v RELIGION AND ECONOMICS IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATIOON - Head of the session: Associate Professor Ineza Gagnidze. Eleven reports were listened to at the section: Ineza Gagnidze - TSU Associate Professor: “ The Principles of Economics on Human Interaction in the Orthodox Aspects”; Irina Gogorishvili - Associate Professor at TSU: "Socio-Economic Issues in Christianity”; Konstantin Golubev - Doctor of Economics, Lecturer at the Minsk Theological Academy: "Private and Public Property in the Christian Community”; Nodar Grdzelishvili – Associate Professor at BTU: “Some Issues of a Systematic Approach to the Development of Religious Tourism”; Merab Mikelashvili - Georgia High School Professor: “Forms of Tax Relationships in the Bible”; Babulia Mghebrishvili - Associate Professor at TSU: „The Biblical Understanding of Human Health and Sustainable Development”; Ermalo Nikolaishvili - Associate Professor of Gelati Theological Academy, Ekaterina Babunashvili - Associate Professor at Kutaisi University: “Obtained with Truth Spent in Kindness”; Otar Tukvadze – Ph.D. student at Kutaisi University: „Water - God's Gift and Indispensable Attribute of Economics”;Giorgi Shikhashvili - TSU Visiting Professor: "The Synergistic Doctrine of the Bible: Themes of Economic-Governance, Human Resource Management and Self-Management in the Parables of Jesus Christ”; Nikoloz Chikhladze - Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Theology, Professor of Kutaisi University and Akaki Tsereteli State University, Paata Koghuashvili - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Full Member of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Professor oat Georgian Technical University: "Two Ilias on Labour”; Izolda Chiladze - TSU Associate Professor: "Business Stability and Christian Outlook”. There were delivered 98 scientific reports and interesting discussions held about all issues. The reports were collected in a conference proceeding and it is posted on the TSU Scientific Portal: https://www.tsu.ge/data/file_db/economist_faculty/konf%20IV.pdf The results of the conference were summarized by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business of TSU, Professor Giorgi Gaganidze. The Dean outlined the importance of the conference and its main topic in the international context. |