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Journal number 3 ∘ Zhana Tolordava
Profiling and its role in business


Presently the comparatively new practice of profiling is being widely used in various fields of activity throughout the world.
Profiling is a set of methods designed for recording and analysis of a person's psychological andubehavioralucharacteristics to determine his(her) stereotypical behavior and use it in such activities as: predicting personnel and management risks, determining loyalty to established societal rules and norms, non-instrumental detection of falsity, prediction of basic models of social, economic and electoral behavior [1]. 
Initially, profilers in investigative practice were creating behavioral portraits of suspects using scientifically proven methods. This has led to an environment where today profilers work not only in investigative agencies, but also help solve business, HR, and electoral issues. The field of profiling has become very important and indispensable.
There are several main directions of profiling, such as business profiling, bank profiling, insurance profiling, audit profiling, and personnel profiling.
Business Profiling uses profiling methods in everyday business communications and negotiations for the fast and efficient search for common interests and business benefits. Profiling helps uncover conspiracies and eliminate fraudulent schemes with the ultimate goal of protecting businesses from financial loss.
Bank profiling develops technologies for bank scoring and bank risk assessment. It is used to reduce the risk of losses when lending to individuals and legal entities. Bank profiling is based on audit and business analysis.
Insurance profiling helps identify fraud and uncover schemes aimed at obtaining illegal benefits from an insurance company. It also gives the insurance company an opportunity to identify methods for detecting hidden manipulations and the tricks used by fraudsters in their endeavors in getting insurance payments by deception.
Audit profiling is used by auditing companies. During the inspection the specialists examine not only the documents, but also the people working with them, who have to answer the relevant queries aimed at detecting lies to realistically evaluate the information provided.
Personnel profiling is most useful for professionals in the field of personnel selection, the evaluation centers, the so-called Assessment centers, where they determine respondent's strongest points and areas of growth, as well as analyze personal characteristics for predicting their potential.
A profiler can create a psychological portrait of a person based on such data as emotional intelligence, motivation map, risk factors, and more. This enables to evaluate the employee or a candidate for the position in a comprehensive way; determine risk factors, personnel reliability and loyalty.

The Experience of the Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in the Use of Profiling in the Educational Process

At the University Educational and Scientific Center for Simulation Modeling and Interactive Teaching Methods a business game has been developed based on Mori Van Mente "Aquarium" model, which is actually a business training by simulating the selection process of applicants and using profiling techniques [5] .
The group of students participating in the simulation is divided into two teams. The first takes part in role playing and dispute.
The second group monitors the actions of the participants, evaluates them and conducts profiling according to specifically developed instructions.
The field of profiling is addressed in the business game "Conflict", where the employee's personality traits and proneness to conflict are determined. The purpose of this simulation is the development of knowledge and skills in identification, prevention and avoidance of various types of conflicts, which is especially important for ensuring a conflict-free professional environment, as well as for successful communication and negotiations in business.

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• Маслова И. (2022). Кто такой профайлер? https://huntflow.ru/blog/kto-takoi-profailer/
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• Kulik A. (2024). Profilirovaniye: opredeleniye, napravleniya, obucheniye. [Profiling: Definition, Directions, Training.] in Russian https://4brain.ru/blog/%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%
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• Headvice "Academy" https://headvice.ge/academy/

Key words: profiling, profiler, business profiling, bank profiling, insurance profiling, audit profiling, personnel profiling.
JEL Codes: M20, M21, M22